Back to the main menu of species Rough-Toothed Dolphin Scientific Name: Steno bredanensis Other Names: Slopehead dolphin Length: 7-8.5 ft. (2.1-2.6 m.) Weight: 220-330 lbs. (100-150 kg.) Teeth: 76-110 Named for the rough surface that forms near
the crowns of their teeth, these animals are further distinguished by the smooth slope
of their faces from the beak to the forehead. Some rough-toothed dolphins have been
kept in captivity where their behavior suggests that they possess a greater intelligence
than other marine mammals.
Short-Finned Pilot Whale Scientific Name: Globicephala macrorhynchus Other Names: Pothead Whale, Pacific Pilot Whale Length: 12-21.5 ft. (3.6-6.5 m.) Weight: 1-4 tons Teeth: 28-36 Pilot Whales have a white patch under
the chin. This patch narrows to a slim white line along the stomach. The flippers
on pilot whales are long and pointed. Short-finned pilot whales have shorter
flippers, less teeth, and slightly different skulls than Long-finned pilot whales.
There is only a slight overlap in the ranges of the two species.
Southern Right-Whale Dolphin Scientific Name: Lissodelphis peronii Other Names: Mealy-mouthed Dolphin Length: 6-9.5 ft. (1.8-2.9 m.) Weight: 130-220 lbs. (60-100 kg.) Teeth: 174-200 Right-whale dolphins have slender beaks
and no dorsal fins. The upper surface of their bodies are black, but there is a
large white patch on the belly between the flippers and a long narrow streak of
white extending from this to the flukes. The white in the southern form is much
more extensive than the northern form.
Striped Dolphin Scientific Name: Stenella coeruleoalba Other Names: Whitebelly dolphin, Blue-white dolphin, Gray's dolphin Length: 6-8.3 ft. (1.8-2.5 m.) Weight: 200-330 lbs. (90-150 kg.) Teeth: 156-216 Striped dolphins are the most robust of
the species Stenella. The colors of this species are variable, but there
is always a dark stripe running along the side and usually a dark band curving
from the dorsal fin to the eye. These dolphins frequently breach, sometimes as
high as 23 feet.
A Map of where they live
Tucuzi Scientific Name: Sotalia fluviatilis Other Names: Estuarine dolphin Length: 4.3-6 ft. (1.3-1.8 m.) Weight: 75-100 lbs. (35-45 kg.) Teeth: 104-140 The tucuxi is the smallest of cetaceans.
This dolphin is fluvial and inhabits coastal regions near mouths of rivers and
advances into rivers such as the Amazon river and the Orinoco river. Tucuxi's
are similar to the larger bottlenose dolphin except for a pointed, triangular dorsal
fin and other small differences.
White-Beaked Dolphin Scientific Name: Lagenorhynchus albirostris Length: 8.3-9.3 ft. (2.5-2.8 m.) Weight: 395-605 lbs. (180-275 kg.) Teeth: 88-112 White beaked dolphins tend to have
large, stocky, robust bodies. Their common name is misleading. In some
geographic areas this animal has a gray or darker beak. White beaked
dolphins are such fast swimmers that they create rooster tail wakes.
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