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Heaviside's Dolphin Picture of a heaviside's dolphin
Scientific Name: Cephalorhynchus heavisidii
Other Names: South African Dolphin, Benguela Dolphin
Length: 5.3-5.8 ft. (1.6-1.7 m.)
Weight: 90-165 lbs. (40-75 kg.)
Teeth: 88-114

The heaviside's dolphin lives in remote areas and is generally shy. Their bodies are similar to hector's dolphins. They have small, triangular like dorsal fins. However, the leading edges of their dorsal fins are longer than the trailing edges. These dolphins have been seen bow-riding, wake-riding, and escorting ships. It appears that some pods have home ranges and do not travel far outside these ranges.

  Hector's Dolphin Picture of a hector's dolphin
Scientific Name: Cephalorhynchus hectori
Other Names: Little Pied Dolphin, New Zealand Dolphin
Length: 4-5 ft. (1.2-1.5 m.)
Weight: 75-130 lbs. (35-60 kg.)
Teeth: 106-130

This dolphin may appear dark at a distance, but it has a complex pattern of white, gray, and black. The shape of its dorsal fin makes it easy to distinguish from other marine mammals. Unlike most dolphins, males are generally smaller than the females. Hector's dolphins rarely bow-ride, however, they wake-ride and follow alongside slow ships. These dolphins prefer to associate with slow or stationary ships over fast ones (over 10 knots) and may even avoid faster ships.

  Hourglass Dolphin Picture of a hourglass dolphin
Scientific Name: Lagenorhynchus cruciger
Other Names: Wilson's Dolphin
Length: 5.3-6 ft. (1.6-1.8 m.)
Weight: 200-265 lbs. (90-120 kg.)
Teeth: 100-104

The hourglass dolphin was named for the hourglass patterns on its sides. It lives in arctic regions, therefore, it is difficult to study and little is known about it. It does have a stocky body and a well defined rostrum. When they swim, they tend to have s smooth undulating motion. The hourglass dolphin is currently the only dolphin with a dorsal fin constantly found in the southern hemisphere


  Indo-Pacific Hump-Backed Dolphin Picture of a hump-backed dolphin
Scientific Name: Sousa chinensis
Other Names: Humpback Dolphin, Speckled Dolphin
Length: 6.5-9.3 ft. (2-2.8 m.)
Weight: 330-440 lbs. (150-200 kg.)
Teeth: 116-152

The classification of the hump-backed dolphins is still in dispute, however, most authorities currently accept only two species (the Atlantic Hump-Backed dolphin and the Indo-Pacific Hump-Backed dolphin). These dolphins feed in shallow water on fish, mollusks, and crustaceans. They use their echolocation when searching for their prey.

  Irrawaddy Dolphin Picture of an irrawaddy dolphin
Scientific Name: Orcaella brevirostris
Other Names: Snubfin Dolphin
Length: 7-8.5 ft. (2.1-2.6 m.)
Weight: 200-330 lbs. (90-150 kg.)
Teeth: 62-76

Irrawaddy dolphins inhabits fresh water as well as marine water. They can travel ten miles or more up river. Like beluga whales, these dolphins also possess flexible necks and bodies. They are slow swimmers and surface with a slow, smooth roll. There have been reports of these dolphins cooperating with fishermen by driving fish into fish nets.

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