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Clymene Dolphin Picture of a Clymene dolphin
Scientific Name: Stenella clymene
Other Names: Short Snouted Spinner Dolphin
Length: 5.8-6.5 ft. (1.7-2 m.)
Weight: 110-200 lbs. (50-90 kg.)
Teeth: 152-194

Once considered one of the many variations of long-snouted spinner dolphins, the clymene was officially classified as a seperate species in 1981. The ranges of two species overlap in the Atlantic and are difficult to tell apart. The clymene is slightly more robust, the dorsal fin is less triangular, and the beak is a little shorter. These dolphins are believed to be nocturnal feeders.

  Commerson's Dolphin Commerson's dolphin
Scientific Name: Cephalorhynchus commersonii
Other Names: Piebald Dolphin, Skunk Dolphin, Jacobite
Length: 4.3-5.8 ft. (1.3-1.7 m.)
Weight: 75-130 lbs. (35-60 kg.)
Teeth: 106-140

The commerson's dolphin is actually very similar to a porpoise. They inhabit the waters of the southern hemisphere. Paddle like flippers, short rounded dorsal fins, and wide flukes are all characteristics of commerson's dolphins. Calves are born all gray, black, and brown, however, they develop adult markings as they mature.

Male and female dolphins have different black patches on their undersides. The patches of males are shaped like raindrops and the patches on females are shaped like horseshoes.

  Common Dolphin Picture of a common dolphin
Scientific Name: Delphinus capensis
Other Names: Saddleback dolphin, Criss-cross dolphin, Cape dolphin
Length: 5.8-8 ft. (1.7-2.4 m.)
Weight: 155-245 lbs. (70-110 kg.)
Teeth: 160-240

Common dolphins vary greatly in appearance. One of the features of common dolphins include a dark band around their eyes extending to the end of their long narrow beaks. common dolphins also have black backs, white undersides, and prominent gray and yellowish-brown stripes on their sides resembling an elaborate criss-cross or hourglass pattern.

There are two major varieties of common dolphins called the short beaked common dolphin and the long beaked common dolphin. The body of the short beaked common dolphin is slightly more robust and the head is more rounded. There are also differences in behaviors and feeding patterns.

  Dusky Dolphin Picture of a dusky dolphin
Scientific Name: Lagenorhynchus obscurus
Other Names: Fitzroy's Dolphin
Length: 5.3-7 ft. (1.6-2.1 m.)
Weight: 110-200 lbs. (50-90 kg.)
Teeth: 94-144

Dusky dolphins are some of the most acrobatic of all dolphins. They are well known for their extraordinarily high leaps and somersaults. Dusky dolphins are often seen with seabirds and frequently associate with other cetaceans. These dolphins are easily approached and seem to enjoy contact with boats and humans. The three main types of breaching performed by dusky dolphins are arc shaped leaps, lobtailing, and high somersaults and twists.

The Dusky dolphin is extremely similar to the Pacific white-sided dolphin. Some experts have even suggested that they belong to the same species.

  False Killer Whale Picture of a false killer whale
Scientific Name: Pseudorca crassidens
Other Names: False Pilot Whale
Length: 14-19.8 ft. (4.3-6 m.)
Weight: 1.1-2.2 tons
Teeth: 32-44

Unlike the killer whale, their flippers are slim pointed rather than blunt. They prefer the deep water of the ocean where it makes meals of squid and fish. False killer whales are exceptionally active and playful. They may make sudden stops or turns and approach boats to investigate, bow-ride, and wake-ride.

  Fraser's Dolphin Picture of a fraser's dolphin
Scientific Name: Lagenodelphis hosei
Other Names: Sarawak Dolphin, Bornean Dolphin
Length: 6.5-8.5 ft. (2-2.6 m.)
Weight: approx. 350-460 lbs. (160-210 kg.)
Teeth: 140-176

The species of fraser's dolphin was originally found on a Western Bornio beach in 1895. The species was not seen alive until the early 1970's. still, very little is known about this dolphin. They are very wary of ships and swim rapidly away when approached, which might account for their relative obscurity.

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